27 10 21 | Blog, Mobile Videos, Video Marketing

These days, more than 50% of customers prefer video content from brands, and one person who knows this is Ceylan Boyce, founder of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs. Ceylan is an award-winning leadership and business coach, so staying ahead of the curve and providing her audience valuable content is a high priority for her.

As I often discuss the mistakes people can make when creating their own videos, I thought I’d provide an actual before and after from one of my valued customers who benefitted from training with Ufocus. This will give you a visual reference, so you can see the real difference that training can make to your videos, and boost your professionalism on camera.


I ask you to watch these two short excerpts that show Ceylan discussing productivity tools and building trust as a micro-business owner. While watching both, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How do you feel about each video?
  2. What do you like/dislike about one or the other?
  3. Which one interests you more?
  4. Which one would make you trust Ceylan more?
  5. Which one would make you book in with Ceylan or buy from her?

Here are the links to watch:

Video A:

Some of these may be harder to answer, and there are many reasons for this. Most of the time we just don’t know HOW we trust one person over another, or WHY we prefer one video rather than the other. The differences may be subtle, but they are there.

I’d be surprised if anyone said they preferred Video A over Video B, and I know this because even Ceylan herself prefers B! People respond better to professionalism, even if they don’t realise it immediately.

People like seeing full faces in good lighting – they respond to it better.

The setting, although personal to each individual or business, has an impact on the viewer.

I don’t want to delve into all the tiny details, simply point out that making little changes can really go a long way when it comes to video.


This is what I want to demonstrate to you; it’s not that people are making absolutely appalling videos that make me as a video marketing professional scream (although some do), it’s that a little bit of training can really take your videos to the next level. The differences may not look striking, but they can differentiate you in a crowded marketplace.


One good thing that people are realising is that you don’t need fancy equipment to shoot good quality videos for your social media platforms. Smartphones have developed to the point that we have all the technology we need right in our pocket.

However, that doesn’t mean you should just point and shoot with no preparation or training. Like a jigsaw puzzle, you need to place the pieces together correctly to form the beautiful image.

Too often people spend time making videos and then wonder why they aren’t having a greater impact? You could be missing out on customers simply because of some tiny details.

This is why I’m passionate about helping small business owners get better results from video. I developed my course, Visibility Matters, specifically to provide training in video marketing so that you can use video to boost your impact.

I’ll be running this course again before the end of 2021 so add your name to the waitlist now for details of the next dates.

If you’re interested in how to add branding and an extra level of polish to your videos, I also offer professional editing. Simply get in touch and we can have a chat about your requirements.

If you want to know more about UFocus, check out our social media, where you’ll find tons of useful information specifically for small business owners using video.

Thanks to Ceylan for letting me share her videos!

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